One of our core strengths is that our small team of professionals allows us to provide a wide spectrum of skills and services. This creates a holistic view on a property ensuring our clients receive the best and effective advice.
Cherryman covers all mainstream areas of agency disciplines. Our business was founded in East London that has since expanded into the Thames Gateway and beyond.
Leasing - Sales - Acquisition
The Thames Gateway region was originally dominated by industrial uses however the process of regenerative development has seen the introduction of office, retail, leisure, hotel and other uses. Attracting businesses to new regenerating areas does come with challenges where Cherryman have been expert in identifying the most beneficial use for any property observing emerging market trends.
Offices - Retail - Leisure - Educational - Data Centres - Hotels - Residential Blocks - Light Industrial - Warehouses - Investment
Development has always had a major influence on our business. Our history in the East London and Thames Gateway areas since the 1980's saw us working on the majority of new Docklands development since the establishment of the enterprise Zone in the early 1980’s which has continued to the present day and beyond as the area evolves.
We have acquired and sold numerous major developments and provide services to clients with future development potential. This is typically advising land owners providing assistance to extract the highest value potential for any development through financial appraisal, forward letting/sale, vacant possession initiatives and onward sale.
The modern era of development is highly motivated towards the provision of "lifestyle" which is strongly influenced by non-residential uses of any scheme. We work with numerous developers on their current and future pipeline to explore the optimum mix of these uses to meet local demands using our expert first hand knowledge as well as exploring "meanwhile" uses ahead of any development.
Financial Appraisal - Use Mix - Meanwhile Uses - Vacant Possession - Site Assembly
We are able to provide a number of professional disciplines
Lease Renewal - Rent Review - Investment Appraisal - Asset Management - Lease Surrender - Lease Re-gear